{ "url": "https://devtest.canada.michaels.com/on/demandware.store/Sites-MichaelsCA-Site/en_CA/Product-Show?pid=10510959", "title": "Black 24\" x 36\" Float Frame by Studio Décor®", "standard_price": , "currency_code": "CAD", "provider_name": "Michaels", "description": "
Spill your creativity into artwork or photography and put it on display with this wooden float frame by Studio Décor. A float frame allows you to display any size photo up to the frames size between clear panes simulating a \"floating\" effect. Shatterproof, lightweight polystyrene covers the opening of the frame instead of glass<\/div>
  • Black<\/li>
  • Floats up to 36\" x 24\" (60.9cm x 91.4cm)<\/li>
  • MDF and polystyrene<\/li>
  • Hanging hardware included<\/li><\/ul>", "brand": "Studio Decor", "product_id": "10510959", "color": "", "images": ["https://imgs.michaels.com/MAM/assets/1/726D45CA1C364650A39CD1B336F03305/img/DC5C81BD61D140B78C677ABBB4025F4B/10510959.JPG?fit=inside|540:540"] , "rating": 3.00, "rating_scale": 5, "rating_count": 38 }