{ "url": "https://devtest.canada.michaels.com/on/demandware.store/Sites-MichaelsCA-Site/en_CA/Product-Show?pid=10502914", "title": "Bold Mix Pom Poms by Creatologyâ„¢", "standard_price": , "currency_code": "CAD", "provider_name": "Michaels", "description": "
Creatology is where creativity meets fun. Your child can use these decorative pom poms for many different art projects like making clouds on paper or tails on rabbits, helping your kids to express their creativity!<\/div>
  • Includes assorted colours and sizes<\/li>
  • 300 pom poms<\/li>
  • For ages 4 and up
    <\/li><\/ul><\/div>", "brand": "Creatology", "product_id": "10502914", "availability": "", "quantity": 783.00, "color": "", "images": ["https://imgs.michaels.com/MAM/assets/1/5E3C12034D34434F8A9BAAFDDF0F8E1B/img/398DCCABB01542319C5A3A84A2906C4B/10502914_1.jpg?fit=inside|540:540"] , "rating": 4.40, "rating_scale": 5, "rating_count": 37 }