{ "url": "https://devtest.canada.michaels.com/on/demandware.store/Sites-MichaelsCA-Site/en_CA/Product-Show?pid=10360028", "title": "Ashland® Garden Fresh Faux Fruit Bag of Green Apples", "standard_price": , "currency_code": "CAD", "provider_name": "Michaels", "description": "
Make your statement with fruit. These green apples make for an easy decorative accent with a truly realistic look. They are the perfect addition to any mixed fruit bowl, or a fun and fresh way to enhance a floral project with faux fruit that looks good enough to eat.<\/div>
  • 5 green apples<\/li>
  • Faux fruit<\/li><\/ul><\/div>", "brand": "Ashland", "product_id": "10360028", "availability": "", "quantity": 319.00, "color": "", "images": ["https://imgs.michaels.com/MAM/assets/1/726D45CA1C364650A39CD1B336F03305/img/75D86B7C96E34AA399F1326736CCD4B3/10360028.jpg?fit=inside|540:540"] , "rating": 4.50, "rating_scale": 5, "rating_count": 16 }