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caron® big donut o'go™ knit patchwork blanket with visible seams

Prices may vary instore and online.
Step 1

MEASUREMENTS: Approximately (Approx) 50" x 60" [127 x 152.5 cm].
GAUGE: 16 sts and 28 rows = 4” [10 cm] in garter stitch (st), save time and check your gauge.
To begin working with the O’Go format, carefully cut plastic tie where the ends of the O’Go meet.
- Pull tie to remove.
- For this pattern, yarns can be easily separated by gently pulling apart and cutting at the transition. Each color is ready to use.
- Blanket is worked in five 10" [25.5 cm] wide Panels and seamed together in finishing. Click here for the diagram.
- Panels begin with 1st row as Right Side (RS). It may be helpful to place markers on Panel to indicate RS of work.
- Color changes occur only on RS rows.
- Blanket is designed to work straight from the O'Go, so patchwork color placement will vary, making each Blanket unique!
- To achieve more precise color changes, work to last full row of one of color, cut yarn and rejoin at beginning of next color to avoid color changes in the middle of a row.

Step 2

Stripe Pattern (Pat) 1
With A, work 28 rows garter st. Break A. Join B.
With B, work 28 rows garter st. Break B. Join A.
With A, work 28 rows garter st. Break A. Join B.
With B, work 28 rows garter st. Break B. Join A.
With A, work 28 rows garter st. Break A. Join C.
With C, work 84 rows garter st. Break C. Join B.
With B, work 28 rows garter st. Break B. Join A.
With A, work 28 rows garter st. Break A. Join C.
With C, work 28 rows garter st. Break C. Join A.
With A, work 28 rows garter st. Break A. Join B.
With B, work 28 rows garter st. Break B. Join C.
With C, work 28 rows garter st. Break C. Join A.
With A, work 28 rows garter st.
These 420 rows from Stripe Pat 1.
Stripe Pat 2
With C, work 84 rows garter st. Break C. Join A.
With A, work 28 rows garter st. Break A. Join B.
With B, work 84 rows garter st. Break B. Join A.
With A, work 28 rows garter st. Break A. Join C.
With C, work 28 rows garter st. Break C. Join A.
With A, work 28 rows garter st. Break A. Join C.
With C, work 28 rows garter st. Break C. Join A.
With A, work 84 rows garter st. Break A. Join B.
With B, work 28 rows garter st.
These 420 rows from Stripe Pat 2.
Stripe Pat 3
With B, work 56 rows garter st. Break B. Join C.
With C, work 28 rows garter st. Break C. Join B.
With B, work 28 rows garter st. Break B. Join C.
With C, work 28 rows garter st. Break C. Join A.
With A, work 28 rows garter st. Break A. Join C.
With C, work 28 rows garter st. Break C. Join A.
With A, work 28 rows garter st. Break A. Join B.
With B, work 84 rows garter st. Break B. Join C.
With C, work 28 rows garter st. Break C. Join A.
With A, work 28 rows garter st. Break A. Join C.
With C, work 28 rows garter st. Break C. Join A.
With A, work 28 rows garter st.
These 420 rows from Stripe Pat 3.
Stripe Pat 4
With A, work 28 rows garter st. Break A. Join C.
With C, work 28 rows garter st. Break C. Join B.
With B, work 28 rows garter st. Break B. Join A.
With A, work 28 rows garter st. Break A. Join C.
With C, work 84 rows garter st. Break C. Join B.
With B, work 28 rows garter st. Break B. Join A.
With A, work 28 rows garter st. Break A. Join C.
With C, work 28 rows garter st. Break C. Join A.
With A, work 28 rows garter st. Break A. Join C.
With C, work 28 rows garter st. Break C. Join A.
With A, work 84 rows garter st.
These 420 rows from Stripe Pat 4.
Stripe Pat 5
With B, work 28 rows garter st. Break B. Join A.
With A, work 84 rows garter st. Break A. Join B.
With B, work 28 rows garter st. Break B. Join C.
With C, work 28 rows garter st. Break C. Join B.
With B, work 28 rows garter st. Break B. Join C.
With C, work 28 rows garter st. Break C. Join B.
With B, work 28 rows garter st. Break B. Join C.
With C, work 84 rows garter st. Break C. Join A.
With A, work 28 rows garter st. Break A. Join B.
With B, work 56 rows garter st.
These 420 rows from Stripe Pat 5.
PANEL (Make 5 total- 1 in each of Stripe Pat 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5)
With appropriate yarn (same color as first color in Stripe Pat), working straight from the O'Go, cast on 40 sts.
Keeping continuity (cont) of Stripe Pat, work in garter st (knit every row) until 420 rows of Stripe Pat are complete.
Cast off.
Using 2 strands B held together (tog), sew panels tog using whip stitch (as shown in diagram), working 1 stitch through each garter ridge (every 2nd row), noting that WS of panels are facing each other and cast on edges are all aligned. Whip stitch will create visible seam detail on RS.

Step 3

Approx = Approximately
Cont = Continue(ity)
Contrast A= Lemon Plum
Contrast B= Vanilla Glaze
Contrast C= Blue Velvet
Pat = Pattern
RS = Right Side
St(s) = Stitch(es)
Tog = Together

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  • You’ll Need: 1
    Item # 10523767 
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  • You’ll Need: 1
    Item # 10031585 
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  • 809187845
    You’ll Need: 1
    Item # 10634749 
    • Color: Assorted
    • Size: 8 / 5mm
    • Color: Assorted
    • Size: 8 / 5mm
    • Color: Assorted
    • Size: 8 / 5mm
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